Are you looking to make money investing in Cryptocurrencies? Do you wonder what an earth is going on with Bitcoin and how one coin can be worth $19,000+ based on 2020 prices? Are you looking for a way to invest in cryptocurrency? Do ask questions like – what is cryptocurrency mining? What does it mean when someone says cryptocurrency staking?
I was asking the same questions and many more on how I can setup passive income stream only a few month back, I then started doing some research on bitcoin, and in general cryptocurrency mining. I am still on that journey and taking small steps towards investing in crypto currencies to make money in the long term.
I have written this eBook – The Definitive Guide to – HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH CRYPTOCURRENCIES, purely as a way for people like me who can’t wait for ever to fully understand what bitcoin, crypto currencies are and all the glory of technical jargon like hash power, blockchain, crypto mining, staking, rewards etc. etc.
Just too much to think about, so in this short book I cover the basic’s that I needed to know before investing in cryptocurrencies using coinbase, etoro and miny. I am happy to say that my investments are looking good so far.
“Wealth & Success comes to those who are willing to spend time and effort in learning and practicing – that which sets them up with passive income.”
This book is about my path to learning about how to earn passive income and setup investments. Cryptocurrency is one such method that I found that may help me achieve financial returns without putting in too much of my own time. Remember ‘TIME’ is the most valuable asset that we all have, so look at finding way’s that will help you take more control over where you spend your time.
Topics covered in this book:
1 – What Is Cryptocurrency?
2 – What Is Cryptocurrency Wallet?
3 – What Is Cryptocurrency Mining?
4 – How To Invest In Cryptocurrency?
5 – How to Make Money with Staking Cryptos?
You can get your copy directly from Amazon
If generating additional income was easy and one always made millions with every opportunity they took. There would be very few poor people in society today. The fact is that making it to that first million is hard and one needs brains, luck and a whole lot of toil to break the 9-5 grind.
The good news is that, with continuous effort, learning and application of financial knowledge you can be successful, in most cases you won’t need a million to do that. With dedication, a willingness to work clever, take calculated risks – you will be able to build passive income streams consisting of cryptocurrencies, stocks, properties and other assets.
Key to building wealth is to diversify and look to learn about areas of finance and business that you may have not even considered before. Remember don’t wait to learn everything there is about a topic before you dive in and take some risks – if you do that you’ll be old before you know it and there goes your chance to make it big.
Hope you enjoy reading this book and if you get time check out my blog. All the best of luck in your efforts to acquiring freedom from the 9-5 pain.
To Summarize the book – Make money with Cryptocurrencies
If generating additional income was easy and one always made millions with every opportunity they took. There would be very few poor people in society today. The fact is that making it to that first million is hard and one needs brains, luck and a whole lot of toil to break the 9-5 grind.
The good news is that, with continuous effort, learning and application of financial knowledge you can be successful, in most cases you won’t need a million to do that. With dedication, a willingness to work clever, take calculated risks – you will be able to build passive income streams consisting of cryptocurrencies, stocks, properties and other assets.
My eBook should give you the basics to get started, as always, this book is to be used as a source of information to learning about investing and the path I took, by no means is this a recommendation to invest your hard earned money into a risky asset. I would recommend you seek professional investment advice before investing large sums of money into cryptocurrency mining or any other form of crypto investments.